Sunday, December 24, 2017

The X-Files 2018: Bringing The Franchise Up To Date?

Given that the 2016 comeback season was accused as being “more-of-the-same”, will the X-Files 2018 – aka Season 11, bring the 1990s era iconic sci-fi series relevant again in the 21st Century? 

By: Ringo Bones 

The 2016 return of the iconic 1990s era sci-fi TV series The X-Files - aka Season 10 – was accused of the only thing contemporary about it was the “Dubya Bush style neo-conservative Islamophobia” of one particular episode. But despite of this, the series’ core audience who were there in its heyday back in the 1990s welcomed it with open arms – and even managed to generate a sizable number of new fans and thus an upcoming season slated for broadcast at Fox in January 3, 2018. Will the so-called new 2018 The X-Files finally bring the franchise into the 21st Century? 

When filming began in August 2017 in Vancouver, British Columbia, the presses were back then greeted by a progressive move by the series’ top bass – i.e. the hiring of women directors given the dearth since the series began in 1993. Only time will tell if the 2018 season of The X Files could outdo its predecessors.